The conference consisted of three sections. The first section addressed the sociological and social-psychological explanatory context in which language shift processes take place. The second section dealt with language attrition from a psycholinguistic perspective, and the third was fully devoted to the building of an integrated explanatory framework for processes of language shift and loss.
In memory of Willem Fase, one of the initiators of the First and Second Conference on Maintenance and Loss of Minority Languages, who died in 1997, a new forum called the Willem Fase Lecture was set up. This plenary lecture forum was granted to Dr Florey of Deakin University.

Plenary sessions: Lesley Milroy, Richard Bourhis, Kees De Bot Joel Walters and a Round Table chaired by Michael Clyne


Conference Secretariat
Tilburg University
Research Group on Language and Minorities
c/o Heleen Strating-Keurentjes
P.O. Box 90153
NL-5000 LE Tilburg
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 13 4662588
Fax: +31 13 4663110

Organizing Committee
- Dr. Ton Ammerlaan, Arnhem School of Business
- Drs. Madeleine Hulsen, University of Nijmegen
- Dr. Jetske Klatter-Folmer, Institute for the Deaf/Tilburg University
- Drs. Heleen Strating-Keurentjes, Tilburg University
- Drs. Piet Van Avermaet, University of Leuven
- Dr. Kutlay Yagmur, Tilburg University

Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Kees de Bot, University of Nijmegen
- Prof. Dr. Michael Clyne, Monash University, Melbourne
- Prof. Dr. Koen Jaspaert, University of Leuven
- Dr. Sjaak Kroon, Tilburg University

Proceedings will be published by Tilburg University Press in the series 'Studis in Multilingualism'. Abstracts should be submitted before 1 April on floppy and in hard copy, covering no more than 15 pages in total, using Word 7.0/ Word Perfect 6.1 format (postscript printer, deskjet or laserjet quality), submitted on disk, Times New Roman size 14 point, using the guidelines set in the conference folders (camera ready, left/right margin 3 cm, top 2.52, bottom 2 cm, justification full, line spacing 1, no tabs (also when using other languages), page numbers in top center (suppressed on page 1), no headers (left page munber and last name right page shortened title and nr) Times New Roman p12, footnotes in small (max 3 cm in length on each page), indicated in the text in superscript, 5 cm line between footnote and text,suheadings are numbered: level 1 in capitals, 2 in bold level 3 in italics.
The chapter title (left justified) 18 pt bold plus 3 line spacing, author's full name flush right undernath the title, lit. references: Heinen, 1998: 88), in biblio.: Heinen, T. (1998). Languages at RestTilburg: Tilburg University Press. Use 'Hanging Paragraphs'. Citations: use single quotation marks only NO italics. Examples and citations that are long should be numbered then indented. Tables figures and diagrams numbered per chapter. Titles NOT in bold. Title at the top. No frame around the table. Few lines in the table. Relevant formula underneath the tables. Other lanuage quotations: numbered and indent (f4) with inbetween brackets () the translation in English. Highlighting single words by using italics is allowed. Individual non-English words in the main body can be italicised. The papers must be written in quality English, using Australian, English or American spelling conventions.

International Symposium on endangered languages: China and South East Asia and on

For comments, errors, omissions and additions, mail to: ton.ammerlaan@ft.han.nlp>
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